On this page you’ll find a number of resources for understanding the research methods used in psychology as well as some statistical methods for understanding and interpreting the data collected.
General Resources
- Master Introductory Psychology Volume 1 (Amazon link)
General Video Resources
Specific Concepts
- Confirmation Bias
- Wikipedia page
- Big Think video explanation and examples
- The Hawthorne Effect
- Rosenthal and Fode 1963 study – Experimenter Bias
- Clever Hans
- Wikipedia page
- Video of the Clever Hans story
- Facilitated Communication
- Sampling
- Correlational Studies
- Illusory Correlation
- The Third-Variable Problem
- Correlation vs. Causation
- Spurious Correlations Site
- xkcd:
- Video examples
- Experimentation
- The Scientific Method – Khan Academy video
- Descriptive Statistics
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Measures of Variance
- Standard Deviation
- Normal Distribution
- Wikipedia page
- Normal curve chart
- Statistical Significance
- The Placebo Effect
- Video explanation
- Skepticism and Drawing Conclusions
- Michael Shermer (founder of Skeptic Magazine) – Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time (Amazon link)
- Shermer’s TEDtalks
- Skepticism and Drawing Conclusions
- James Randi “The Amazing Randi” Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions (Amazon link)
- TEdtalk on skepticism and fraud
- James Randi “The Amazing Randi” Flim-Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions (Amazon link)
- Ben Goldacre on medical claims and investigating causation
- Publication Bias and Replication Issues
- Psych File Drawer – index of replication attempts
- Ben Goldacre on publication bias
- Publication Bias and Replication Issues
- Research Ethics
Other Resources