Introductory Psychology Open Course: Unit 15
Psychological Disorders
In this unit we'll begin by thinking about the challenges of diagnosis and how psychiatrists attempt to define the presence of psychological disorders or syndromes. Then we'll consider how psychological disorders are diagnosed using the DSM-5, the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. We'll consider a range of categories in the DSM, see several examples of disorders within those categories, and discuss the symptoms and criteria for each diagnosis, as well as the prevalence rates and potential comorbidities for these disorders.

How can we define normality?

Deviance, Dysfunction, Distress, & Disorders

David Rosenhan's infamous "On Being Sane in Insane Places" study

The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - 5th edition

The Diathesis Stress Model

The role of culture in expression & diagnosis of mental illness

DSM-5 Disorders & Diagnoses

Anxiety Disorders Category

Trauma & Stressor-Related Disorders Category

Obsessive-Compulsive & Related Disorders Category

Somatic Symptoms & Related Disorders Category

Dissociative Disorders

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Schizophrenia Spectrum & Other Psychotic Disorders

Feeding & Eating Disorders

Depressive Disorders

Bipolar & Related Disorders

Personality Disorders, Psychopathy, & Sociopathy

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