Introductory Psychology Open Course: Unit 2
Research Methods in Psychology
In this unit we'll look at the importance of research methods in psychology, terms and concepts for statistics and data analysis, and the ethical implications of conducting research.

Unique challenges of psychological research

Why science requires skepticism & humility

How biases influence observation

Operational definitions and why they matter

Case studies & Survey approaches

Difference between a population and a sample

Correlational studies & thinking about causation

The third variable problem for correlational research

How the experimental method addresses the 3rd variable problem

How testable hypotheses allow us to refine or refute general theories

Finding central tendency using mean, median, and mode

Measures of how much scores differ in a sample

Visualizing how scores are distributed in a sample or population

Basic introduction to statistical significance and p-values

Assessing the internal validity of a study

Assessing the external or ecological validity of a study

Ethical guidelines & considerations in psychological research

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